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Milky Way Vista - Perseus to Cassiopeia

Perseus, Cassiopeia, Camelopadalis, Andromeda

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The autumn constellations Perseus and Cassiopeia are beautifully situated in a Milky Way area full of stars, galactic star clusters, and red emission nebulae. Cassiopeia is at right (only 4 stars of the "W" are visible), and Perseus at left. The emission nebulae visible in this photograph are (from right to left) NGC 281, IC 59 and IC 63 near Gamma Cassiopeiae, the "Double Nebulae" IC 1805 (which is also called the Running Dog Nebula) and IC 1848 above the center of the photograph, and NGC 1491 in the upper left part. The Double Cluster NGC 869/884, which is also conspicuous to the naked eye, is situated right of the center of the photograph. There are many smaller galactic star clusters visible within this image.

Cassiopeia (Wide Field), standard lens photograph.
IC 1848, Wright-Newtonian photograph.

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