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Auriga South

IC 405

Move your mouse over the image above (on smartphones or tablets: touch it) to get a version with constellation lines, deep-sky objects and labels drawn.

This is a widefield image (approximately 7° x 11°) of an interesting region in the constellation Auriga. The constellation Auriga is host to a wide path of Hα emission nebulae visible during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere, including IC 405 (Flaming Star Nebula) and IC 410 (Tadpole Nebula), as well as IC 417 and NGC 1931 (Fly and Spider Nebula) near the left (eastern) edge. Several other interesting objects are labeled in the mouseover image above, including stars, dark nebulae and star clusters like the famous open star cluster Messier 38.

IC 405 - Flaming Star Nebula, and IC 410, Wright-Newtonian photograph
NGC 1931 - Fly Nebula and IC 417 - Spider Nebula, CCD image

Exposure Data

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