This page contains DSLR photos of clouds and the moon. They were taken spontaneously whenever I see the moon surrounded or partially obscured by interesting looking clouds. The colors of these clouds vary greatly, from red to blue to exotic colors like bronze or anthracite.
Click on any of the small previews to get the full images.
Exposure data: Nikon D70, 18mm, 1/1.6s, f/3.5, ISO 1600
Notes: Heavy clouds obscure the moon during an observation night in May 2006 and make for a wild looking scene. The bright starlike object on the right to the right and above the moon was Jupiter. Some lights of a nearby village can be seen near the lower edge.
Exposure data: Nikon D7000, 200mm, 1/15s, f/5.6, ISO 1250
Blue-Brown Clouds and the Moon; November 3, 2020
Exposure data: Nikon D5600, 200mm, 1/60s and 1/1000s, f/5.6, ISO 6400
Notes: In the 1/60s exposure for the clouds, the moon was overexposed. I edited in a short 1/1000s exposure taken immediately afterwards which shows detail in the moon.