Sharpless 132 and Surrounding Region
Sharpless 132 is a faint emission nebula at the Cepheus/Lacerta border, it
measures 42 x 30 arcminutes, and lies just at the center of photograph. Bright
stars in the area are δ Cephei (upper left, with lens flare), ζ
Cephei (upper right, slightly red) and β Lacertae (lower edge).
Cepheus/Cassiopeia Border Region, zoom lens photograph.
Exposure Data
- Instrument: Nikkor-Q Auto 135mm f/2.8 telephoto lens
- F/stop: 5.6
- Exposure: 12 x 10 min
- Camera: Canon 350D with Baader UV-IR-Cut-Filter
- Sensitivity: ISO 800
- Date: September 7, 2013
- Exposure start: 00:49 MESZ
- Location: Edelweißspitze, Salzburg
- Conditions: SQM-L sky brightness 21.3 mag/arcsec2, seeing ?, temperature 12°C, no wind, moderate humidity
- Autoguider: Lacerta MGEN
- Enhancement: Basic data reduction, combine, logarithmic curves, crop, background flattening, color correction, star size reduction