Sharpless 132
Sharpless 132 is a faint emission nebula at the Cepheus/Lacerta
border, its size is 42 x 30 arcminutes. It can be glimpsed visually, but that
takes a rich-field refractor and very dark skies.
Sh2-132, HαRGB image.
Exposure Data
- Instrument: TMB 4.1" f/6.2 APO
- F/stop: 6.2
- Exposure: 74 minutes
- Film: Kodak Ektachrome E200
- Exposure start: 3:14 MESZ
- Date: September 5, 2003
- Location: Wallackhaus, Carinthia
- Conditions: Visual limiting magnitude 6.4, seeing 2, temperature 1.5°C, no wind, low humidity
- Autoguider: Meade Pictor 216 XT, max. error 1
- Enhancement: Adobe Photoshop 7.0, SGBNR 1.0.4 beta